Empathetic Customer Experience

Long-term Value, Innovation as an Asset

For the last 2 decades, marketing has been obsessed with the great Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC) arms race. Digital media gave marketers incredible horsepower for acquiring new customers, with great emphasis on filling the top of the funnel, and less thought to retain customers. Today, the focus is on nurturing and creating value out of long-term relationships with customers to increase loyalty.

In this whitepaper, the two authors, Greg Cross, Soul Machines’ CBO, and Fergus Hay, CEO of the marketing firm Elysian Fields, discuss why businesses should invest in assets enabling empathetic Customer Experience:

  • There is currently an empathy deficit in the digital Customer Experience (CX).
  • Humanized AI can create future-facing competitive advantage and value for businesses, including insights about customers’ needs, preferences, and emotional states with the brand.
  • Global brands have already invested in Soul Machines’ Digital People to realize this advantage.

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